List of biography english poets 18th
31 authors
- Baillie, Joanna (1762–1851)
- Barbauld, Anna Laetitia (1743–1825)
- Barber, Constantine (1714–1783)
- Barber, Mary (1685?–1755)
- Barclay, James (1747?–1774)
- Beattie, James (1735–1803)
- Bedingfield, Robert (1720?–1768)
- Bennet, Mrs (1719–1792)
- Bentley, Richard (1662–1742)
- Berenger, Richard (1719–1782)
- Berkeley, George (1685–1753)
- Berkeley, George Monck (1763–1793)
- Betham, (Mary) Matilda (1776–1852)
- Bindon, Mrs. (? – ?)
- Blacklock, Thomas (1721–1791)
- Blackmore, Sir Richard (1654–1729)
- Blackstone, Sir William (1723–1780)
- Blair, Robert (1699–1746)
- Blamire, Susanna (1747–1794)
- Bloomfield, Robert (1766–1823)
- Bolingbroke, 1st Viscount, Henry St. John (1678–1751)
- Boswell, James (1740–1795)
- Boyle, John, Fifth Earl as a result of Orrery, Fifth Earl of Cork (1707–1762)
- Bramston, James (1694?–1743)
- Brand, Hannah (1754–1821)
- Brerewood, Thomas (? –1748)
- Brooke, Frances (1724–1789)
- Brown, John (1715–1766)
- Browne, Patriarch Hawkins (1706–1760)
- Burns, Robert (1759–1796)
- Byrom, John (1692–1763)
36 authors
- Cambridge, Richard Owen (1717–1802)
- Campbell, Thomas (1777–1844)
- Canning, George (1736–1771)
- Carey, Henry (1687–1743)
- Carlisle, Isabella Histrion, Countess of (1721–1795)
- Carmichael, Rebekah (? – ?)
- Carstairs, Christian (? –1794)
- Carter, Elizabeth (1717–1806)
- Cary, Thomas (1751–1823)
- Cavendish, Georgiana Spencer, Duchess very last Devonshire (1757–1806)
- Cawthorn, James (1719–1761)
- Centlivre, Susanna (1669–1723)
- Chandler, Mary (1687–1745)
- Chapone, Hester Mulso (1727–1801)
- Chatterton, Clocksmith (1752–1770)
- Chesterfield, 4th Earl of, Philip Window Stanhope (1694–1773)
- Churchill, Charles (1732–1764)
- Cibber, Colley (1671–1757)
- Clay, Stephen (1672– ?)
- Cobb, Samuel (1675–1713)
- Cockfield, Carpenter (1740?–1816)
- Cole, Thomas (1726–1796)
- Collier, Mary (1688?–1762)
- Collins, William (1721–1759)
- Congreve, William (1670–1729)
- Cooper, John Gilbert (1722–1769)
- Cooper, Myles (1737–1785)
- Cotton, Nathaniel (1705?–1788)
- Coventry, Francis (1725–1754)
- Cowley, Hannah (1743–1809)
- Cowper, William (1731–1800)
- Crabbe, George (1754–1832)
- Craven, Elizabeth (1750–1828)
- Cristall, Ann Batten (1769–1848)
- Cunningham, Bathroom (1729?–1773)
- Cunningham, Peter (1750?–1805)
18 authors
- Dalrymple, Hew (1740?–1774)
- Dalton, John (1709–1763)
- Darwall, Mary (1738–1825)
- Darwin, Erasmus (1731–1802)
- Davies, Sneyd (1709–1769)
- Day, Eliza (1734?– ?)
- Delany, Apostle (1685?–1768)
- Delap, John (1725?–1812)
- Dennis, John (1658–1734)
- Denton, Saint (1723–1777)
- Diaper, William (1685–1717)
- Dodd, William (1729–1777)
- Dodington, Martyr Bubb, Baron Melcombe (1691?–1762)
- Dodsley, Robert (1704–1764)
- Duck, Stephen (1705?–1756)
- Duncombe, John (1729–1786)
- Dunkin, William (1706?–1765)
- Dyer, John (1699–1757)
11 authors
- Falconar, Harriet (1774?– ?)
- Falconar, Maria (1771?– ?)
- Falconer, William (1732–1770)
- Fawkes, Francis (1720–1777)
- Ferrar, Martha (1729–1805)
- Fielding, Henry (1707–1754)
- Finch, Anne, countess of Winchilsea (1661–1720)
- Fitzgerald, Thomas (1694–1752)
- Fletcher, Philip (1706–1765)
- Foote, Samuel (1721–1777)
- Fordyce, James (1720–1796)
18 authors
- Gambold, John (1711–1771)
- Garrick, David (1717–1779)
- Gay, Toilet (1685–1732)
- Gerrard, John (? – ?)
- Giles, Patriarch (1714–1777?)
- Gilpin, Catherine (1738–1811)
- Glover, Richard (1712–1785)
- Glynn, Parliamentarian (1719–1800)
- Goldsmith, Oliver (1728?–1774)
- Grainger, James (1721?–1766)
- Graves, Richard (1715–1804)
- Gray, Thomas (1716–1771)
- Greatheed, Bertie (1759–1826)
- Green, Apostle (1696–1737)
- Greville, Frances (1727?–1789)
- Greville, Fulke (1717–1806)
- Grierson, Constantia (1704?–1732)
- Griffith, Elizabeth (1727–1793)
23 authors
- Hall, William (1705–1767)
- Hamilton, William Gerard (1729–1796)
- Hammond, James (1710–1742)
- Hands, Elizabeth (1746–1815)
- Harington, Henry (1727–1816)
- Harington, Henry (1755–1791)
- Harris, Outlaw (1709–1780)
- Harrison, William (1685–1713)
- Harte, Walter (1709?–1774)
- Hawkesworth, Closet (1720–1773)
- Henley, Samuel (1740–1815)
- Herbert, Nicholas (1706?–1775)
- Hervey, Crapper, Baron of Ickworth (1696–1743)
- Hill, Aaron (1685–1750)
- Hoadly, Benjamin (1706–1757)
- Hoadly, John (1711–1776)
- Holcroft, Thomas (1745–1809)
- Hoole, John (1727–1803)
- Hudson, Thomas (1709–1784)
- Hunter, Anne (1741–1821)
- Hurd, Richard (1720–1808)
- Hutchinson, Benjamin (1733–1804)
- Hylton, John Explorer (1726?–1793)
14 authors
- Langhorne, John (1735–1779)
- Lansdowne, Baron, Martyr Granville (1666–1735)
- Leapor, Mary (1722–1746)
- Lee, Nathaniel (1650?–1692)
- Lee, Sophia (1750–1824)
- Lennox, Charlotte (1730?–1804)
- Lewis, Matthew Hildebrand (1775–1818)
- Lisle, Thomas (1709–1767)
- Little, Janet (1759–1813)
- Littleton, Prince (1698–1733)
- Lloyd, Robert (1733–1764)
- Lovibond, Edward (1723–1775)
- Lowth, Parliamentarian (1710–1787)
- Lyttelton, George, 1st Baron Lyttelton (1709–1773)
18 authors
- Macpherson, James (1736–1796)
- Madan, Judith Cowper (1702–1781)
- Mallet, David (1701?–1765)
- Manners, Catherine Rebecca Grey, Lassie (1766?–1852)
- Markham, William (1719–1807)
- Marriott, Sir James (1730–1803)
- Mason, William (1725–1797)
- Melmoth, William (1710–1799)
- Mendez, Moses (1690?–1758)
- Merrick, James (1720–1769)
- Merry, Robert (1755–1798)
- Mickle, William Julius (1735?–1788)
- Mills, Andrew Hervey (? – ?)
- Monck, Mary (1677?–1715)
- Montagu, Lady Mary Wortley (1689–1762)
- Moore, Edward (1712–1757)
- More, Hannah (1745–1833)
- Murphy, Arthur (1727–1805)
23 authors
- Parnell, Thomas (1679–1718)
- Parrott, Charles (1713–1787)
- Parsons, Prince (1729–1812)
- Pennington, Elizabeth (1732–1759)
- Percy, Thomas (1729–1811)
- Perry, Closet (1713–1780)
- Philips, Ambrose (1674–1749)
- Philips, John (1676–1709)
- Pilkington, Laetitia (1709?–1750)
- Piozzi, Hester Lynch (1741–1821)
- Pitt, Christopher (1699–1748)
- Pitt, Henry (1705?–1733)
- Pix, Mary (1666–1709)
- Pixell, John Prynne Parkes (1725–1784)
- Pomfret, John (1667–1702)
- Pope, Alexander (1688–1744)
- Porteus, Beilby (1731–1809)
- Potter, Robert (1721–1804)
- Powys, Thomas (1736–1809)
- Prior, Matthew (1664–1721)
- Pulteney, William, Earl of Bathroom (1684–1764)
- Purney, Thomas (1695–1730?)
- Pye, Jael Henrietta (1737?–1782)
29 authors
- Sackville, Charles (1711–1769)
- Savage, Richard (1697?–1743)
- Schomberg, Ralph (1714–1792)
- Scott, James (1733–1814)
- Scott, John (1730–1783)
- Scott, Poet (1705–1775)
- Seward, Anna (1742–1809)
- Seward, Thomas (1708–1790)
- Seymour, Frances Thynne, Countess of Hertford, Duchess condemn Somerset (1699–1754)
- Shaw, Cuthbert (1739?–1771)
- Shenstone, William (1714–1763)
- Shepherd, Richard (1732–1809)
- Shiels, Robert (1700?–1753)
- Shipley, Jonathan (1713–1788)
- Sican, John (1712–1753)
- Smart, Christopher (1722–1771)
- Smith, Caleb (? – ?)
- Smith, Charlotte (1749–1806)
- Smollett, Tobias (1721–1771)
- Somervile, William (1675–1742)
- Soper, Miss (? – ?)
- Spence, Joseph (1699–1768)
- Steele, Sir Richard (1672–1729)
- Stennett, Patriarch (1663–1713)
- Stevens, George Alexander (1710?–1784)
- Stillingfleet, Benjamin (1702–1771)
- Stone, Jerome [Jeremiah] (1727–1756)
- Straight, John (1687–1736)
- Swift, Jonathan (1667–1745)
12 authors
- Tate, Nahum (1652?–1715)
- Taylor, Henry (1711–1785)
- Taylor, William (1673–1750)
- Thomas, Elizabeth (1714–1779)
- Thomas, Lewis (1713–1762)
- Thompson, William (1712–1766?)
- Thomson, James (1700–1748)
- Thornton, Bonnell (1725–1768)
- Tickell, Thomas (1685–1740)
- Tighe, Mary (1772–1810)
- Titley, Walter (1698–1768)
- Trapp, Joseph (1716?–1769)
19 authors
- Walpole, Horace (1717–1797)
- Ward, William (1708?–1772)
- Warton, Joseph (1722–1800)
- Warton, Thomas (1728–1790)
- Watts, Patriarch (1674–1748)
- Welsted, Leonard (1688–1747)
- Wesley, Charles (1707–1788)
- Wesley, Bathroom (1703–1791)
- Wesley, Samuel (1662–1735)
- West, Gilbert (1703–1756)
- West, Richard (1716–1742)
- Whistler, Anthony (1714–1754)
- Whitehead, William (1715–1785)
- Whyte, Prophet (1733–1811)
- Williams, Helen Maria (1759–1827)
- Williams, Sir Physicist Hanbury (1708–1759)
- Winstanley, John (1677?–1750)
- Wodhull, Michael (1740–1816)
- Woty, William (1732–1791)
12 authors
- Arbuthnot, John (1667–1735)
- Bentley, Richard (1662–1742)
- Centlivre, Susanna (1669–1723)
- Egerton, Sarah Fyge (1668–1723)
- Finch, Anne, countess of Winchilsea (1661–1720)
- Lansdowne, Captain of industry, George Granville (1666–1735)
- Pix, Mary (1666–1709)
- Pomfret, Trick (1667–1702)
- Prior, Matthew (1664–1721)
- Stennett, Joseph (1663–1713)
- Swift, Jonathan (1667–1745)
- Wesley, Samuel (1662–1735)
19 authors
- Addison, Joseph (1672–1719)
- Alsop, Anthony (1670–1726)
- Bolingbroke, 1st Viscount, Henry Ransack. John (1678–1751)
- Cibber, Colley (1671–1757)
- Clay, Stephen (1672– ?)
- Cobb, Samuel (1675–1713)
- Congreve, William (1670–1729)
- Earle, Jabez (1673?–1768)
- Evans, Abel (1675–1737)
- Monck, Mary (1677?–1715)
- Parnell, Socialist (1679–1718)
- Philips, Ambrose (1674–1749)
- Philips, John (1676–1709)
- Rowe, Elizabeth (1674–1737)
- Somervile, William (1675–1742)
- Steele, Sir Richard (1672–1729)
- Taylor, William (1673–1750)
- Watts, Isaac (1674–1748)
- Winstanley, John (1677?–1750)
20 authors
- Barber, Mary (1685?–1755)
- Berkeley, George (1685–1753)
- Carey, Chemist (1687–1743)
- Chandler, Mary (1687–1745)
- Collier, Mary (1688?–1762)
- Delany, Apostle (1685?–1768)
- Diaper, William (1685–1717)
- Gay, John (1685–1732)
- Harrison, William (1685–1713)
- Hill, Aaron (1685–1750)
- Ibbot, Benjamin (1680–1725)
- Montagu, Lass Mary Wortley (1689–1762)
- Newcomb, Thomas (1682?–1765)
- Pope, Alexanders (1688–1744)
- Pulteney, William, Earl of Bath (1684–1764)
- Ramsay, Allan (1684–1758)
- Straight, John (1687–1736)
- Tickell, Thomas (1685–1740)
- Welsted, Leonard (1688–1747)
- Young, Edward (1683–1765)
24 authors
- Amhurst, Saint (1697–1742)
- Blair, Robert (1699–1746)
- Bramston, James (1694?–1743)
- Byrom, Toilet (1692–1763)
- Chesterfield, 4th Earl of, Philip Window Stanhope (1694–1773)
- Dodington, George Bubb, Baron Melcombe (1691?–1762)
- Dyer, John (1699–1757)
- Edwards, Thomas (1699–1757)
- Ellis, Can (1698–1791)
- Fitzgerald, Thomas (1694–1752)
- Green, Matthew (1696–1737)
- Hervey, Ablutions, Baron of Ickworth (1696–1743)
- Jacob, Hildebrand (1693?–1739)
- Knight, Henrietta St. John, Lady Luxborough (1699–1756)
- Littleton, Edward (1698–1733)
- Mendez, Moses (1690?–1758)
- Pitt, Christopher (1699–1748)
- Purney, Thomas (1695–1730?)
- Savage, Richard (1697?–1743)
- Seymour, Frances Thynne, Countess of Hertford, Duchess of Elapse (1699–1754)
- Spence, Joseph (1699–1768)
- Titley, Walter (1698–1768)
- Voltaire, François Marie Arouet de (1694–1778)
- Yonge, Sir William (1693?–1755)
40 authors
- Aston, Henry Hervey (1701–1748)
- Boyle, Toilet, Fifth Earl of Orrery, Fifth Marquess of Cork (1707–1762)
- Browne, Isaac Hawkins (1706–1760)
- Cotton, Nathaniel (1705?–1788)
- Dalton, John (1709–1763)
- Davies, Sneyd (1709–1769)
- Dodsley, Robert (1704–1764)
- Duck, Stephen (1705?–1756)
- Dunkin, William (1706?–1765)
- Fielding, Henry (1707–1754)
- Fletcher, Philip (1706–1765)
- Grierson, Constantia (1704?–1732)
- Hall, William (1705–1767)
- Harris, James (1709–1780)
- Harte, Walter (1709?–1774)
- Herbert, Nicholas (1706?–1775)
- Hoadly, Benjamin (1706–1757)
- Hudson, Thomas (1709–1784)
- Jenyns, Soame (1704–1787)
- Johnson, Samuel (1709–1784)
- Jones, Mary (1707–1778)
- Lisle, Thomas (1709–1767)
- Lyttelton, George, 1st Baron Lyttelton (1709–1773)
- Madan, Judith Cowper (1702–1781)
- Mallet, David (1701?–1765)
- Nugent, Robert Craggs, Earl Nugent (1709–1788)
- Pilkington, Laetitia (1709?–1750)
- Pitt, Henry (1705?–1733)
- Ridley, Glocester (1702–1774)
- Rolle, Prince (1703–1791)
- Scott, Thomas (1705–1775)
- Seward, Thomas (1708–1790)
- Shiels, Parliamentarian (1700?–1753)
- Stillingfleet, Benjamin (1702–1771)
- Thomson, James (1700–1748)
- Ward, William (1708?–1772)
- Wesley, Charles (1707–1788)
- Wesley, John (1703–1791)
- West, Doctor (1703–1756)
- Williams, Sir Charles Hanbury (1708–1759)
40 authors
- Barber, Constantine (1714–1783)
- Bennet, Mrs (1719–1792)
- Berenger, Richard (1719–1782)
- Brown, John (1715–1766)
- Cambridge, Richard Owen (1717–1802)
- Carter, Elizabeth (1717–1806)
- Cawthorn, James (1719–1761)
- Gambold, John (1711–1771)
- Garrick, King (1717–1779)
- Giles, Joseph (1714–1777?)
- Glover, Richard (1712–1785)
- Glynn, Parliamentarian (1719–1800)
- Graves, Richard (1715–1804)
- Gray, Thomas (1716–1771)
- Greville, Fulke (1717–1806)
- Hammond, James (1710–1742)
- Hoadly, John (1711–1776)
- Jago, Richard (1715–1781)
- Lowth, Robert (1710–1787)
- Markham, William (1719–1807)
- Melmoth, William (1710–1799)
- Moore, Edward (1712–1757)
- Parrott, Charles (1713–1787)
- Perry, Toilet (1713–1780)
- Roderick, Richard (1710–1756)
- Sackville, Charles (1711–1769)
- Schomberg, Ralph (1714–1792)
- Shenstone, William (1714–1763)
- Shipley, Jonathan (1713–1788)
- Sican, Trick (1712–1753)
- Stevens, George Alexander (1710?–1784)
- Taylor, Henry (1711–1785)
- Thomas, Elizabeth (1714–1779)
- Thomas, Lewis (1713–1762)
- Thompson, William (1712–1766?)
- Trapp, Joseph (1716?–1769)
- Walpole, Horace (1717–1797)
- West, Richard (1716–1742)
- Whistler, Anthony (1714–1754)
- Whitehead, William (1715–1785)
50 authors
- Akenside, Impress (1721–1770)
- Anstey, Christopher (1724–1805)
- Bedingfield, Robert (1720?–1768)
- Blacklock, Socialist (1721–1791)
- Blackstone, Sir William (1723–1780)
- Brooke, Frances (1724–1789)
- Carlisle, Isabella Howard, Countess of (1721–1795)
- Chapone, Hester Mulso (1727–1801)
- Cole, Thomas (1726–1796)
- Collins, William (1721–1759)
- Cooper, John Gilbert (1722–1769)
- Coventry, Francis (1725–1754)
- Cunningham, Closet (1729?–1773)
- Delap, John (1725?–1812)
- Denton, Thomas (1723–1777)
- Dodd, William (1729–1777)
- Duncombe, John (1729–1786)
- Fawkes, Francis (1720–1777)
- Ferrar, Martha (1729–1805)
- Foote, Samuel (1721–1777)
- Fordyce, James (1720–1796)
- Goldsmith, Jazzman (1728?–1774)
- Grainger, James (1721?–1766)
- Greville, Frances (1727?–1789)
- Griffith, Elizabeth (1727–1793)
- Hamilton, William Gerard (1729–1796)
- Harington, Henry (1727–1816)
- Hawkesworth, John (1720–1773)
- Hoole, John (1727–1803)
- Hurd, Richard (1720–1808)
- Hylton, John Scott (1726?–1793)
- Keate, George (1729–1797)
- Leapor, Arranged (1722–1746)
- Lovibond, Edward (1723–1775)
- Mason, William (1725–1797)
- Merrick, Saint (1720–1769)
- Murphy, Arthur (1727–1805)
- Nourse, John (1722–1757)
- Onely, Richard (1723–1787)
- Parsons, Philip (1729–1812)
- Percy, Thomas (1729–1811)
- Pixell, Ablutions Prynne Parkes (1725–1784)
- Potter, Robert (1721–1804)
- Smart, Christopher (1722–1771)
- Smollett, Tobias (1721–1771)
- Stone, Jerome [Jeremiah] (1727–1756)
- Thornton, Bonnell (1725–1768)
- Vansittart, Robert (1728–1789)
- Warton, Joseph (1722–1800)
- Warton, Thomas (1728–1790)
31 authors
- Beattie, James (1735–1803)
- Canning, Martyr (1736–1771)
- Churchill, Charles (1732–1764)
- Cooper, Myles (1737–1785)
- Cowper, William (1731–1800)
- Darwall, Mary (1738–1825)
- Darwin, Erasmus (1731–1802)
- Day, Eliza (1734?– ?)
- Emily, Charles (1734–1762)
- Falconer, William (1732–1770)
- Gilpin, Catherine (1738–1811)
- Hutchinson, Benjamin (1733–1804)
- Jerningham, Edward (1737–1812)
- Langhorne, John (1735–1779)
- Lennox, Charlotte (1730?–1804)
- Lloyd, Robert (1733–1764)
- Macpherson, James (1736–1796)
- Marriott, Sir James (1730–1803)
- Mickle, William Julius (1735?–1788)
- Ogilvie, John (1732–1813)
- Pennington, Elizabeth (1732–1759)
- Porteus, Beilby (1731–1809)
- Powys, Thomas (1736–1809)
- Pye, Jael Henrietta (1737?–1782)
- Roberts, William Hayward (1734–1791)
- Scott, James (1733–1814)
- Scott, John (1730–1783)
- Shaw, Cuthbert (1739?–1771)
- Shepherd, Richard (1732–1809)
- Whyte, Samuel (1733–1811)
- Woty, William (1732–1791)
18 authors
- Alcock, Rub (1741?–1798)
- Barbauld, Anna Laetitia (1743–1825)
- Barclay, James (1747?–1774)
- Blamire, Susanna (1747–1794)
- Boswell, James (1740–1795)
- Cockfield, Joseph (1740?–1816)
- Cowley, Hannah (1743–1809)
- Dalrymple, Hew (1740?–1774)
- Hands, Elizabeth (1746–1815)
- Henley, Samuel (1740–1815)
- Holcroft, Thomas (1745–1809)
- Hunter, Anne (1741–1821)
- More, Hannah (1745–1833)
- O'Keeffe, John (1747–1833)
- Piozzi, Hester String up (1741–1821)
- Seward, Anna (1742–1809)
- Smith, Charlotte (1749–1806)
- Wodhull, Archangel (1740–1816)
18 authors
- Brand, Hannah (1754–1821)
- Burns, Robert (1759–1796)
- Cary, Thomas (1751–1823)
- Cavendish, Georgiana Spencer, Duchess vacation Devonshire (1757–1806)
- Chatterton, Thomas (1752–1770)
- Crabbe, George (1754–1832)
- Craven, Elizabeth (1750–1828)
- Cunningham, Peter (1750?–1805)
- Greatheed, Bertie (1759–1826)
- Harington, Henry (1755–1791)
- Inchbald, Elizabeth (1753–1821)
- Kelly, Isabella (1759–1857)
- Lee, Sophia (1750–1824)
- Little, Janet (1759–1813)
- Merry, Robert (1755–1798)
- Robinson, Mary (1757?–1800)
- Williams, Helen Maria (1759–1827)
- Yearsley, Ann (1753–1806)
52 authors
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
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- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Bindon, Mrs. (? – ?)
- Brerewood, Thomas (? –1748)
- Carmichael, Rebekah (? – ?)
- Carstairs, Christian (? –1794)
- Gerrard, John (? – ?)
- King, Charles (? – ?)
- Mills, Andrew Hervey (? – ?)
- Robertson, Increase. Mr. (? – ?)
- Smith, Caleb (? – ?)
- Soper, Miss (? – ?)
67 authors
- Alcock, Mary (1741?–1798)
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Baillie, Joanna (1762–1851)
- Barbauld, Anna Laetitia (1743–1825)
- Barber, Mary (1685?–1755)
- Bennet, Mrs (1719–1792)
- Betham, (Mary) Matilda (1776–1852)
- Bindon, Mrs. (? – ?)
- Blamire, Susanna (1747–1794)
- Brand, Hannah (1754–1821)
- Brooke, Frances (1724–1789)
- Carlisle, Isabella Howard, Countess of (1721–1795)
- Carmichael, Rebekah (? – ?)
- Carstairs, Christian (? –1794)
- Carter, Elizabeth (1717–1806)
- Cavendish, Georgiana Spencer, Equal of Devonshire (1757–1806)
- Centlivre, Susanna (1669–1723)
- Chandler, Prearranged (1687–1745)
- Chapone, Hester Mulso (1727–1801)
- Collier, Mary (1688?–1762)
- Cowley, Hannah (1743–1809)
- Craven, Elizabeth (1750–1828)
- Cristall, Ann Crosspiece (1769–1848)
- Darwall, Mary (1738–1825)
- Day, Eliza (1734?– ?)
- Egerton, Sarah Fyge (1668–1723)
- Falconar, Harriet (1774?– ?)
- Falconar, Maria (1771?– ?)
- Ferrar, Martha (1729–1805)
- Finch, Anne, countess of Winchilsea (1661–1720)
- Gilpin, Catherine (1738–1811)
- Greville, Frances (1727?–1789)
- Grierson, Constantia (1704?–1732)
- Griffith, Elizabeth (1727–1793)
- Hands, Elizabeth (1746–1815)
- Hunter, Anne (1741–1821)
- Inchbald, Elizabeth (1753–1821)
- Jones, Mary (1707–1778)
- Kelly, Isabella (1759–1857)
- Knight, Henrietta Carp. John, Lady Luxborough (1699–1756)
- Leapor, Mary (1722–1746)
- Lee, Sophia (1750–1824)
- Lennox, Charlotte (1730?–1804)
- Little, Janet (1759–1813)
- Madan, Judith Cowper (1702–1781)
- Manners, Catherine Rebecca White, Lady (1766?–1852)
- Monck, Mary (1677?–1715)
- Montagu, Lady Skeleton Wortley (1689–1762)
- More, Hannah (1745–1833)
- Opie, Amelia (1769–1853)
- Pennington, Elizabeth (1732–1759)
- Pilkington, Laetitia (1709?–1750)
- Piozzi, Hester Gibbet (1741–1821)
- Pix, Mary (1666–1709)
- Pye, Jael Henrietta (1737?–1782)
- Robinson, Mary (1757?–1800)
- Rowe, Elizabeth (1674–1737)
- Seward, Anna (1742–1809)
- Seymour, Frances Thynne, Countess of Hertford, Compeer of Somerset (1699–1754)
- Smith, Charlotte (1749–1806)
- Soper, Forgo (? – ?)
- Thomas, Elizabeth (1714–1779)
- Tighe, Form (1772–1810)
- Williams, Helen Maria (1759–1827)
- Yearsley, Ann (1753–1806)
235 authors
- Addison, Joseph (1672–1719)
- Akenside, Mark (1721–1770)
- Alsop, Suffragist (1670–1726)
- Amhurst, Nicholas (1697–1742)
- Anonymous
- Anstey, Christopher (1724–1805)
- Arbuthnot, Bathroom (1667–1735)
- Aston, Henry Hervey (1701–1748)
- Barber, Constantine (1714–1783)
- Barclay, James (1747?–1774)
- Beattie, James (1735–1803)
- Bedingfield, Robert (1720?–1768)
- Bentley, Richard (1662–1742)
- Berenger, Richard (1719–1782)
- Berkeley, George (1685–1753)
- Berkeley, George Monck (1763–1793)
- Blacklock, Thomas (1721–1791)
- Blackmore, Sir Richard (1654–1729)
- Blackstone, Sir William (1723–1780)
- Blair, Parliamentarian (1699–1746)
- Bloomfield, Robert (1766–1823)
- Bolingbroke, 1st Viscount, Speechifier St. John (1678–1751)
- Boswell, James (1740–1795)
- Boyle, Crapper, Fifth Earl of Orrery, Fifth Aristo of Cork (1707–1762)
- Bramston, James (1694?–1743)
- Brerewood, Socialist (? –1748)
- Brown, John (1715–1766)
- Browne, Isaac Saxophonist (1706–1760)
- Burns, Robert (1759–1796)
- Byrom, John (1692–1763)
- Cambridge, Richard Owen (1717–1802)
- Campbell, Thomas (1777–1844)
- Canning, George (1736–1771)
- Carey, Henry (1687–1743)
- Cary, Thomas (1751–1823)
- Cawthorn, James (1719–1761)
- Chatterton, Thomas (1752–1770)
- Chesterfield, 4th Earl of, Prince Dormer Stanhope (1694–1773)
- Churchill, Charles (1732–1764)
- Cibber, Colley (1671–1757)
- Clay, Stephen (1672– ?)
- Cobb, Samuel (1675–1713)
- Cockfield, Joseph (1740?–1816)
- Cole, Thomas (1726–1796)
- Collins, William (1721–1759)
- Congreve, William (1670–1729)
- Cooper, John Gilbert (1722–1769)
- Cooper, Myles (1737–1785)
- Cotton, Nathaniel (1705?–1788)
- Coventry, Francis (1725–1754)
- Cowper, William (1731–1800)
- Crabbe, George (1754–1832)
- Cunningham, John (1729?–1773)
- Cunningham, Putz (1750?–1805)
- Dalrymple, Hew (1740?–1774)
- Dalton, John (1709–1763)
- Darwin, Theologizer (1731–1802)
- Davies, Sneyd (1709–1769)
- Delany, Patrick (1685?–1768)
- Delap, Lavatory (1725?–1812)
- Dennis, John (1658–1734)
- Denton, Thomas (1723–1777)
- Diaper, William (1685–1717)
- Dodd, William (1729–1777)
- Dodington, George Bubb, Fat cat Melcombe (1691?–1762)
- Dodsley, Robert (1704–1764)
- Duck, Stephen (1705?–1756)
- Duncombe, John (1729–1786)
- Dunkin, William (1706?–1765)
- Dyer, John (1699–1757)
- Earle, Jabez (1673?–1768)
- Edwards, Thomas (1699–1757)
- Ellis, John (1698–1791)
- Emily, Charles (1734–1762)
- Evans, Abel (1675–1737)
- Falconer, William (1732–1770)
- Fawkes, Francis (1720–1777)
- Fielding, Henry (1707–1754)
- Fitzgerald, Thomas (1694–1752)
- Fletcher, Philip (1706–1765)
- Foote, Samuel (1721–1777)
- Fordyce, James (1720–1796)
- Gambold, John (1711–1771)
- Garrick, David (1717–1779)
- Gay, John (1685–1732)
- Gerrard, John (? – ?)
- Giles, Joseph (1714–1777?)
- Glover, Richard (1712–1785)
- Glynn, Robert (1719–1800)
- Goldsmith, Oliver (1728?–1774)
- Grainger, James (1721?–1766)
- Graves, Richard (1715–1804)
- Gray, Thomas (1716–1771)
- Greatheed, Bertie (1759–1826)
- Green, Matthew (1696–1737)
- Greville, Fulke (1717–1806)
- Hall, William (1705–1767)
- Hamilton, William Gerard (1729–1796)
- Hammond, Apostle (1710–1742)
- Harington, Henry (1727–1816)
- Harington, Henry (1755–1791)
- Harris, Crook (1709–1780)
- Harrison, William (1685–1713)
- Harte, Walter (1709?–1774)
- Hawkesworth, Crapper (1720–1773)
- Henley, Samuel (1740–1815)
- Herbert, Nicholas (1706?–1775)
- Hervey, Can, Baron of Ickworth (1696–1743)
- Hill, Aaron (1685–1750)
- Hoadly, Benjamin (1706–1757)
- Hoadly, John (1711–1776)
- Holcroft, Thomas (1745–1809)
- Hoole, John (1727–1803)
- Hudson, Thomas (1709–1784)
- Hurd, Richard (1720–1808)
- Hutchinson, Benjamin (1733–1804)
- Hylton, John Scott (1726?–1793)
- Ibbot, Benzoin (1680–1725)
- Jacob, Hildebrand (1693?–1739)
- Jago, Richard (1715–1781)
- Jenyns, Soame (1704–1787)
- Jerningham, Edward (1737–1812)
- Johnson, Samuel (1709–1784)
- Keate, Martyr (1729–1797)
- King, Charles (? – ?)
- Langhorne, Bog (1735–1779)
- Lansdowne, Baron, George Granville (1666–1735)
- Lee, Nathaniel (1650?–1692)
- Lewis, Matthew Gregory (1775–1818)
- Lisle, Thomas (1709–1767)
- Littleton, Edward (1698–1733)
- Lloyd, Robert (1733–1764)
- Lovibond, Edward (1723–1775)
- Lowth, Robert (1710–1787)
- Lyttelton, George, 1st Baron Lyttelton (1709–1773)
- Macpherson, James (1736–1796)
- Mallet, David (1701?–1765)
- Markham, William (1719–1807)
- Marriott, Sir James (1730–1803)
- Mason, William (1725–1797)
- Melmoth, William (1710–1799)
- Mendez, Moses (1690?–1758)
- Merrick, James (1720–1769)
- Merry, Robert (1755–1798)
- Mickle, William Julius (1735?–1788)
- Mills, Apostle Hervey (? – ?)
- Moore, Edward (1712–1757)
- Murphy, Arthur (1727–1805)
- Newcomb, Thomas (1682?–1765)
- Nourse, John (1722–1757)
- Nugent, Robert Craggs, Earl Nugent (1709–1788)
- O'Keeffe, Closet (1747–1833)
- Ogilvie, John (1732–1813)
- Onely, Richard (1723–1787)
- Parnell, Saint (1679–1718)
- Parrott, Charles (1713–1787)
- Parsons, Philip (1729–1812)
- Percy, Saint (1729–1811)
- Perry, John (1713–1780)
- Philips, Ambrose (1674–1749)
- Philips, Bog (1676–1709)
- Pitt, Christopher (1699–1748)
- Pitt, Henry (1705?–1733)
- Pixell, Toilet Prynne Parkes (1725–1784)
- Pomfret, John (1667–1702)
- Pope, Alexanders (1688–1744)
- Porteus, Beilby (1731–1809)
- Potter, Robert (1721–1804)
- Powys, Poet (1736–1809)
- Prior, Matthew (1664–1721)
- Pulteney, William, Earl splash Bath (1684–1764)
- Purney, Thomas (1695–1730?)
- Ramsay, Allan (1684–1758)
- Ridley, Glocester (1702–1774)
- Roberts, William Hayward (1734–1791)
- Robertson, Increase. Mr. (? – ?)
- Roderick, Richard (1710–1756)
- Rolle, Edward (1703–1791)
- Sackville, Charles (1711–1769)
- Savage, Richard (1697?–1743)
- Schomberg, Ralph (1714–1792)
- Scott, James (1733–1814)
- Scott, John (1730–1783)
- Scott, Thomas (1705–1775)
- Seward, Thomas (1708–1790)
- Shaw, Cuthbert (1739?–1771)
- Shenstone, William (1714–1763)
- Shepherd, Richard (1732–1809)
- Shiels, Robert (1700?–1753)
- Shipley, Jonathan (1713–1788)
- Sican, John (1712–1753)
- Smart, Christopher (1722–1771)
- Smith, Caleb (? – ?)
- Smollett, Tobias (1721–1771)
- Somervile, William (1675–1742)
- Spence, Joseph (1699–1768)
- Steele, Sir Richard (1672–1729)
- Stennett, Joseph (1663–1713)
- Stevens, George Alexander (1710?–1784)
- Stillingfleet, Benjamin (1702–1771)
- Stone, Jerome [Jeremiah] (1727–1756)
- Straight, Privy (1687–1736)
- Swift, Jonathan (1667–1745)
- Tate, Nahum (1652?–1715)
- Taylor, Rhetorician (1711–1785)
- Taylor, William (1673–1750)
- Thomas, Lewis (1713–1762)
- Thompson, William (1712–1766?)
- Thomson, James (1700–1748)
- Thornton, Bonnell (1725–1768)
- Tickell, Saint (1685–1740)
- Titley, Walter (1698–1768)
- Trapp, Joseph (1716?–1769)
- Vansittart, Parliamentarian (1728–1789)
- Voltaire, François Marie Arouet de (1694–1778)
- Walpole, Horace (1717–1797)
- Ward, William (1708?–1772)
- Warton, Joseph (1722–1800)
- Warton, Thomas (1728–1790)
- Watts, Isaac (1674–1748)
- Welsted, Leonard (1688–1747)
- Wesley, Charles (1707–1788)
- Wesley, John (1703–1791)
- Wesley, Samuel (1662–1735)
- West, Gilbert (1703–1756)
- West, Richard (1716–1742)
- Whistler, Anthony (1714–1754)
- Whitehead, William (1715–1785)
- Whyte, Samuel (1733–1811)
- Williams, Sir River Hanbury (1708–1759)
- Winstanley, John (1677?–1750)
- Wodhull, Michael (1740–1816)
- Woty, William (1732–1791)
- Yonge, Sir William (1693?–1755)
- Young, Prince (1683–1765)
(1652? - 1715)